Level 1 - Two Years
The basics of drumming
Rudiment introduction
Basics of 8ths & 16ths
Basic fill incorporation
Bass drum development
Limb balancing
Reading basics and the 6 notes of rhythm
Level 2 - Two Years
Groove studies in the 4 essential styles [8th rock, 16th note funk, shuffles & jazz]
Playing to music/songs
Meter function & understanding
Count off consistency
Ambidextrous balance, limb fluidity
Click studies, internal meter, 32nd note ability
Level 3 - Two Years
In depth variations of 4 essential styles
Advanced grouping of fills
Fluidity of playing
Understanding the role of a drummer
Double bass playing
32nd note bass drum playing
2nd line beats
Devastation fills
Level 4 - Two years
Latin, bossa nova & metric modulation studies
Time signature studies in odd time
Soca, reggae, ethnic rhythms & poly-rhythms
Level 5 - One Year
Advanced studies and philosophy of performance
Studio recording & teaching
Master's Certificate - Two Years
Expertise of all styles
Creative development of personal style
Consistent flow of groove & meter
Live performance tempo control
Concentration techniques
Ability to execute fills and metric reversal on the spot
Philosophical understanding of drumming, percussion & music